“Mommy, why did you get sick?”

As little as two months ago, that question would have started a shit-storm of self loathing, anger, and telling myself what a lousy Mom I am.  I don't think any parent wants their child to see them as weak, struggling, or sick.  I suspect it is even more so when the sickness in question is … Continue reading “Mommy, why did you get sick?”

“Modern” Medicine

I will be the first person to admit that I am not tech savvy.  I call myself a caveman with an iPhone all the time.  Like everyone, I'm kind of hooked on my blinking rectangle.  Between Facebook and texts, I'm inundated with reading crap.  One day, I actually realized it makes my anxiety worse.  I … Continue reading “Modern” Medicine

13 Reasons….

ORIGINAL POST FROM MAHBUTTITCHES.... 13 Reasons why I'm happy.. 1. I have a warm bed which comforts me. 2. I have 3 loving, kind,  wonderful children who understand me. Who don't judge me coz I'm bipolar. 3. I found myself through the Chaos of mental illness. 4. I have the gift of sight (albeit using … Continue reading 13 Reasons….