With All Due Respect…!

My unraveling of all the profound things it's taken me so long to figure out...

T-4 days until the launch of StreetPsychiatry.org

We will now serve as a link between the many mentally ill who are left untreated and resources/health-care professionals. In the meantime check out https://streetpsychiatry.wixsite.com/streetpsychiatry to see what all the hypes about.  Hope to have many of you join the cause...

Time Marches On, My Ass

Four years ago today, I was in a hospital.  I was struggling with bronchitis, and breathing wasn’t working out so well for me.  As you well know, survival and breathing are generally a hand-in-hand process, so off to the ER I went.  I could write 10,000 words on the incompetence I suffered under in the … Continue reading Time Marches On, My Ass