

Give us reasons to dream,
Or simply leave us be, to…
See ‘how good’ it would be
If we were really truly free

To any doubt, give a voice
– and wait to hear about us
For any quiz, grab a choice
– and wait to hear from us

This is a test, ‘do your best’
Do complain and do explain
Stay tuned to a solo request
Because (to think) is to gain

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Unbiased Review of the Blatantly Lying Media (USA)

At this point in time, I've noticed news networks outright refuting opposing claims and blaming them right back.  Now there's no way two sides can both be right when it comes to this; one side must definitely be lying.  It's as if they aren't even trying to cover their usual bullshit anymore which is scary to … Continue reading Unbiased Review of the Blatantly Lying Media (USA)